Cold Creek Bee Company Don't just eat our honey. Experience it.


What's a pollinator and why are they important? 

Bees are pollinators and without them, we don't eat. According to the Native Pollinators in Agriculture Project, approximately 30 percent of the food and fiber crops grown depend on pollinators for reproduction. Of that, the fruits and seeds from these crop species provide 15 to 30 percent of the food and beverages consumed by humans. Roughly translated then, one out of four mouthfuls of food and drink that we consume are produced from pollination services provided by pollinators.

It's a pretty sobering thought that American farmers rely on one species of European honey bee in particular, Apis mellifera, for most of their crops pollination. Because of their services, it's been estimated that bees can add $15 billion in crop value each year. Amazing!

So what's the big deal?

Dr. Ramaswamy, Director for the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, wrote an article entitled: Reversing Pollinator Decline is Key to Feeding the Future. The article points out that over the last 30 years, pollinator populations have suffered serious losses due to invasive pests and diseases, such as mites and viral and fungal pathogens, exposure to pesticides, loss of habitat and changing climate. As an example, most individuals have heard of Colony Collapse Disorder or CCD. It's a phenomenon that occurs when seemingly healthy worker bees in a colony disappear and leave the queen behind. Without adequate care, the colony soon collapses and dies. Such disastrous effects have had serious implications to not only commercial beekeepers, but to small scale beekeeping operations, right down to the hobbyist with a few hives.

College of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences - University of Georgia (UGA)

Before Cold Creek Bee became a company, I was fascinated with the prospect of keeping bees. It was new. Different. There was so much information available. I was fortunate, early on, to find publications and videos from Dr. Keith S. Delaplane, MBE to help guide me in understanding these fascinating insects we know as bees. As a result, my apiary has flourished.

Keith is a Professor, Walter B. Hill Fellow & Honey Bee Program Director at the University of Georgia and is arguably one of the brightest and most nationally published authors on all things "bee."

What can we do?

Cold Creek Bee Company believes that making an investment in our children is one of the ways we can do our part to positively impact pollinator sustainability as well as the next generation of beekeepers. I reached out to Keith and shared our vision of providing grants in the form of observation hives to deserving schools for the purpose of preparing the next generation of beekeepers and he responded, "I love your idea of an observation hive for schools." He believes the educational process of understanding bees is similar to, "...getting a glimpse of how big the world is and how little we know."

Keith was also gracious enough to allow Cold Creek Bee to post a copy of his UGA website to ours: I would encourage students and parents alike to visit Keith's site as there are excellent articles, student friendly pollinator and gardening projects and other UGA endeavors.

When does the process start?

So, beginning October 1, 2020 through November 30, 2020, we will be accepting applications for the purpose of awarding a grant for a deserving bee club that has associated itself with their local elementary and high schools.

The idea is this: a bee club would make an ongoing commitment to take an observation beehive to these schools for the purpose of sharing the wonders of bees. Students could be taught things such as: the life cycle of each class of bee, e.g., drone, worker and queen; duties of each bee in the hive, social order, how bees pollinate and their role as the next generation of beekeepers. Students could explore their role in the process by: planting pollinating flowers or gardens to see how bees interact with their environment or developing a bee sustainability project for their local community. The possibilities are limitless!

The Ulster observation beehive, below, represents the hive that will be given away.


Visit us October 1, 2020 to download a copy of the grant application. One (1) Ulster hive will be given away the first quarter of the year with a goal of one (1) additional hive awarded each remaining quarter for a total of four (4) Ulster hive award grants for 2020.

How do you fit in?

Cold Creek Bee reserves a percentage of sales for the purpose of funding this ongoing initiative. Without each of you, none of this is possible. So, thank you in advance for your support.

Cold Creek Bee Company

Sustainability Project 2020

Observation Hive Grant Application  Process

The Cold Creek Bee Company Sustainability Project seeks to stimulate the natural curiosity in young people by introducing them to the importance of honey bees and how they impact our everyday lives. With it comes the understanding there is a need to embrace bees and value them not only for their economic impact, but for their varied contributions to our food system and broader eco-system.

The Cold Creek Bee Company Sustainability Project Grant (“Grant”) may be awarded to either a nonprofit school or educational program.

What is the actual Grant?

The Grant is an Ulster Observation Hive similar to the one below and is valued at $250 (includes the hive and applicable taxes and shipping costs). Bees, frames, brood, honey, etc., are not included.




Application deadline: November 30, 2020 at 5:00PM, EST.

Notification to applicants: Cold Creek Bee Company will notify the winning Grant recipient by phone and or email on December 15, 2020.


1.      Applicant must be a non-profit school or non-profit children’s organization that works with students in the grade range of kindergarten through senior year of high school.

2.      The observation hive must be used as an educational tool for students in some fashion.

3.      The principal or executive director must be aware and supportive of the initiative.

4.      A certified beekeeper must commit to support and maintain the observation hive and act as a “Mentor” for this project.

5.      There must be an individual at the school or organization who is designated as an “Advocate” for this project.

6.      We strongly encourage the school, non-profit, Mentor and Advocate to work through their local beekeeping organization or club as they will be the ones supplying the bees, frames of brood, honey, etc., for the observation hive. They will also be the ones best suited for the care of the bees when they are not in the observation hive, but back in their own colonies.


How to submit a Grant application:

All entries are to be (scan-emailed) submitted through Cold Creek Bees email address:

Applications will be reviewed as received until the deadline of November 30, 2020 at 5:00PM, EST, at which point the links to the documents will also be removed from the site.

Delivery of the observation hive:

Once the Grant applicant winner has been identified, the observation hive will be shipped - within 5 business days, to the address provided on the Application.


Only one (1) observation hive will be awarded for the 4th quarter of 2020. All results are final and at the discretion of Cold Creek Bee Company. All associated with the project agree to hold Cold Creek Bee Company harmless during the application process and after the observation hive is awarded. Winning participant(s) agree to ongoing interaction with Cold Creek Bee Company to ensure the project objectives are continuing as per the submitted application.

Note: Please copy and print the below application. Use an additional sheet of paper for longer responses.

Cold Creek Bee Company

Sustainability Project Application 2020


Sustainability Project | Application

Part I: Main Project Contact | Applicant Information

Main Contact Name:

Main Contact Email:

Main Contact Phone:

Current address:



ZIP Code:

Part II: Eligibility Questions

Are you a non-profit school that serves any grades k-Senior Year or a 501 (c)(3) non-profit children’s organization?              Yes or No

Will the observation hive be used as an educational tool for students in some fashion?                                                       Yes or No

Will the observation hive be cared for and maintained by the school or non-profit?                                                             Yes or No

Part III: School or Organizational Account

School | Name and Contact Information:





ZIP Code:

Grades Offered: (k-5) (6-8) (9-12)

Tax ID #:


Principal Name:

Principal Email:

Principal Phone:

Total Enrollment:



Organization |  Name and Contact Information:





ZIP Code:

Grades worked with: (k-5) (6-8) (9-12)

EIN #:


Primary Contact Name:

Primary Contact Email:

Primary Contact Phone:

Membership Size:


Part IV: Main Application

1.     Bee Advocate details: Who will be the designated Bee Advocate at your school or organization?

Full Name:







ZIP Code:

Relationship to the school or organization?



2.     Beekeeper details: Who will be the partner beekeeper bringing the observation hive to schools on a monthly or quarterly basis?

Full Name:







ZIP Code:

Relationship to the school or organization?



Part V: Delivery Information

Shipping Contact:








ZIP Code:

Part VI: Student Engagement and Community Involvement

1.     How many students will interact with the hive?


2.     How often will the students interact with the hive? Include frequency, such as 1x a week, 5x a month, etc.


3.     Describe how students will interact with the hive: Discussion, purpose of bees, pollination, etc.?


4.     Do you have an edible education garden at your school or organization?

Yes or No

5.     Would you consider implementing as part of a pollinator initiative for the school and community?

Yes or No

6.     Has your staff undergone bee safety training, including what to do in case of bee allergy stings?

Yes or No

7.     How will you communicate with parents, the school community and outside organizations and partners about the observation hive initiative?






8.     How will you share your story with the press/public? This program is meant to raise awareness and to plant seeds for others to think about how pollinators (bees) play in our world.






9.     School or organization agrees to forward several (2-5) pictures of the observation hive in use in a class or demonstration setting. The school or organization further agrees to allow Cold Creek Bee to use and post comments, pictures, news articles, etc., on its site as part of its ongoing Sustainability Project.

Yes or No

10.   Will you allow Cold Creek Bee the ongoing opportunity to touch base with the school or organization to see how the project is progressing? This may include emails, phone calls and requests for class pictures of the hive demonstration or initiatives started as a result of the project (like pollinator vegetable gardens, pollinator flower gardens, etc.)

Yes or No

Authorized Signatures and Hold Harmless Agreement

I authorize the verification of the information provided on this form as to my credentials and employment status. I further agree and understand this is a voluntary application and agree to hold Cold Creek Bee Company harmless for any/all unforeseen actions or incidences leading up to and after delivery of the observation hive. I understand this is an application only and not a confirmation of grant approval.

Signature of Applicant:


Signature of Principal:
